インターネットの中に「和雑貨 翠」という小さな店を開いてから、二十年の月日が経とうとしています。
お客様にも、商品としての作品だけでなく、その背後のなりたちにも関心を持っていただけたら、という気持ちで、『手のしごと オモテウラ』展を企画しました。
和雑貨 翠 店主・白石 由美子
It is about 20 years since I opened a small online shop of Japanese crafts named "Wazakka-Sui"
During this period I have seen how many efforts artisans make in order to create their works.
However, customers can hardly see them.
This exhibition presents various works made by 8 artisans and the process and the trial and error until works are completed.
In this exhibition, I hope you will realize how difficult, how beautiful and how happy it is to create works by hands.
Yumiko Shiraishi, Wazakka-Sui